Okay I had the same thought about cashmere recently! The dry cleaning is such a hassle. Today I wore a cotton sweater with a thermal waffle crewneck underneath and it was perfect. Happy new year!!
Ugh, I, too, am missing the Chobani Pumpkin Spice Creamer. Also, I feel like they fumbled the bag not making a Gingerbread one for the winter months???
well said, the peppermint mocha flavor does not slap for me... my next frontier is using the fairlife vanilla protein milk as my coffee creamer... it will be no chobani but it will be protein goals, i guess. pray for me
This year I think I’ve had the revelation that investing in good socks, underwear, etc is the true luxury— because it improves your life every day, vs a sweater or something you wear once a week!
I hope it brings you the immense delight it brought me! I got a few replies from other ppl who own it too so we could all fangirl over our superior oral care assets
I loved reading this! Also two things: 1) You influenced me on the eye masks. Excited to try them. 2) I felt the same re: Rhode! I love their lip peptides but the texture can be so inconsistent!!! I got a couple gritty ones too and was not pleased.
It’s so weird how inconsistent they are. My friend Lisa runs a beauty brand that makes lip treatments so shes told me a bit about formulas— I think it’s shea that makes it grainy. But I can’t understand how they keep making it that way despite the prevailing feedback…
Great line up
You inspired me -- making Ina's warm chicken salad for my parents tonight! <3
YAY! eager to hear your review (and the chef/your dad's!)
Okay I had the same thought about cashmere recently! The dry cleaning is such a hassle. Today I wore a cotton sweater with a thermal waffle crewneck underneath and it was perfect. Happy new year!!
I’m glad it’s not just me! My dry cleaning bill today was the price of yet another cashmere sweater, lol. HNY!!
Ugh, I, too, am missing the Chobani Pumpkin Spice Creamer. Also, I feel like they fumbled the bag not making a Gingerbread one for the winter months???
well said, the peppermint mocha flavor does not slap for me... my next frontier is using the fairlife vanilla protein milk as my coffee creamer... it will be no chobani but it will be protein goals, i guess. pray for me
Smart move. Will try.
Socks are so important. I also discovered that this year.
This year I think I’ve had the revelation that investing in good socks, underwear, etc is the true luxury— because it improves your life every day, vs a sweater or something you wear once a week!
Hell yeah!!!
Fabulous picks and yes I was influenced to buy a toothbrush 😂
I hope it brings you the immense delight it brought me! I got a few replies from other ppl who own it too so we could all fangirl over our superior oral care assets
Obsessed with the Say Nothing show! Also, less sexy than some other fantasy hits, but would recommend reading One Dark Window.
Oh I love to hear this!!
I loved reading this! Also two things: 1) You influenced me on the eye masks. Excited to try them. 2) I felt the same re: Rhode! I love their lip peptides but the texture can be so inconsistent!!! I got a couple gritty ones too and was not pleased.
I can’t wait to hear what you think on the masks.
It’s so weird how inconsistent they are. My friend Lisa runs a beauty brand that makes lip treatments so shes told me a bit about formulas— I think it’s shea that makes it grainy. But I can’t understand how they keep making it that way despite the prevailing feedback…
Loved Wedding People, and am definitely checking out that pan!
Well we obviously love pecans!! 😂 And I just ordered myself the titanium always pan about ten minutes before opening this, YAY!
I have your pecans next to me in my carry on as I type! Pecan swap!
Ok unsolicited tip is to try your pumpkin pie recipe in a store bought graham cracker crust!!!