My name is Azora Zoe Paknad, but you can call me Zoe. I started an ecommerce marketplace business in 2020 and parted with it at the end of 2022. I had a hell of a time.

Those years were challenging beyond belief, and so were the years after when I had to go back to working for someone else— but I found that nobody talks about the ugly parts of this weird little whirlpool of entrepreneurial mythology and the cult of “building a brand.”
I started my business in 2020 with a newsletter, and it made sense for me after winding it down to keep writing to you all, just to get the weirdness out of my system and process what a trip it had all been.
Turns out there were a lot of other people who needed to talk about and feel seen in the hard, brutal, not-so-easy-to-label-and-compartmentalize parts of start-up, founder, or work life & identity.
Now, I write a twice-weekly (ish) newsletter that’s born out of all the things I learned on my journey—and after it: reflections on my First Rodeo as a leader.
On the side, I do freelance support (mental, emotional, operational, “coaching”— though that word gives me the ick) for founders, former founders re-entering a tough market, or anyone who needs a little help or real talk figuring out how to navigate work and identity. You can always email me anytime if you want to work together!
Most recently, I worked in M&A of distressed consumer brands. Now, I’m in the wind— aka, doing strategy, biz ops and growth consulting full time, writing First Rodeo, and, shockingly, TikToking.
If you’re new here, here are some of my most popular letters:
What it's actually like to look for a job as a "failed founder"
Where's the line between *consuming* reality and *creating* reality?
How the f💰💸k is everybody living like this?
I also write a series called “So you want to start a brand…”, and you can check out issues on taking the plunge, product development and marketing a launch here.
If you’re curious about life after entrepreneurship, getting back on the horse after you’re bucked off 100 times, you liked my vision or the way my start-up helped make sustainability feel less stiff and serious and granola and more fun, kooky, and sexy, then maybe you should subscribe.
If you’re interested in consulting, coaching, advising, fractional services or potentially selling your business— you can always contact me here.